There is an issue with script tasks in SSIS 2005 that could come up occasionally. It is generally an issue that shows up in a 64-bit environment where the script can’t be pre-compiled. The error that will show up states that “The task is configured to pre-compile the script, but binary code is not found.” There is not a fix for this inside SSIS as you can’t set the script to Pre-compile false as the error will just change to the script can’t be compiled, please switch the mode to pre-compile true. Fortunately there are a couple of fixes. The first of which is to open the script task and click on edit script. Allow the code editor to open and simply close the editor. When you close the script task configuration the red x should go away. This does not always work though. If there is a deeper issue that prohibits this form fixing the issue then there is a hot fix that can be applied to remedy the situation. From looking at what all is in the latest service pack I don’t see that this hotfix is there. On a recent troubleshooting session with a client they had the latest service pack and still had this issue which was then fixed by applying this hotfix. You will need to restart the server or machine that this is applied to so be aware of that before applying this to a server that is critical in the middle of the day. For information on the hotfix visit the knowledge base page at[EN]/ To download the hotfix visit the download center at