Query SQL Server Job Tables

If you have ever wanted to query the SQL Server job tables then you know they are a little cryptic. The following query will assist you in getting some useful information out of those tables. I recently wanted to be able to query these tables and get the error for when there was a failure during the running of the job. This can be accomplished using this query and just adding another couple of fields. You can add the job history (jh alias in this query) sql_severity and message columns. Then you can simply do a where statement to search the message column for a particular error or for particular keywords that pertain to errors, such as something novel like “error”!! Hope this helps. You can also get some useful information from the table msdb..jobactivity.
CONVERT(DATETIME, RTRIM(jh.run_date)) + (jh.run_time * 9 + jh.run_time % 10000 * 6 + jh.run_time % 100 * 10) / 216e4 AS RunDateTime,
j.name AS JobName,
jh.step_id AS StepID,
SUBSTRING(RIGHT(‘000000’ + CONVERT(varchar(6), jh.run_duration), 6), 1, 2) + ‘:’ + SUBSTRING(RIGHT(‘000000’ + CONVERT(varchar(6), jh.run_duration), 6), 3, 2) + ‘:’ + SUBSTRING(RIGHT(‘000000’ + CONVERT(varchar(6), jh.run_duration), 6), 5, 2) AS StepRunTime,
jh.step_name AS StepName
FROM msdb..sysjobhistory jh
INNER JOIN msdb..sysjobs j ON jh.job_id = j.job_id
ORDER BY jh.run_date, jh.run_time, j.job_id, jh.step_id

About the author

Bradley Schacht

Bradley Schacht is a Principal Program Manager on the Microsoft Fabric product team based in Jacksonville, FL. Bradley is a former consultant, trainer, and has authored 5 SQL Server and Power BI books, most recently the Microsoft Power BI Quick Start Guide. As a member of the Microsoft Fabric product team, Bradley works directly with customers to solve some of their most complex data problems and helps shape the future of Microsoft Fabric. He frequently presents at community events around the country, is a contributor to sites such as SQLServerCentral.com, and is a member of the Jacksonville SQL Server User Group (JSSUG).

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  • This code snippet is quite handy and will save me a lot of time whenever I have to research job activity. Thanks!

Bradley Schacht

Bradley Schacht is a Principal Program Manager on the Microsoft Fabric product team based in Jacksonville, FL. Bradley is a former consultant, trainer, and has authored 5 SQL Server and Power BI books, most recently the Microsoft Power BI Quick Start Guide. As a member of the Microsoft Fabric product team, Bradley works directly with customers to solve some of their most complex data problems and helps shape the future of Microsoft Fabric. He frequently presents at community events around the country, is a contributor to sites such as SQLServerCentral.com, and is a member of the Jacksonville SQL Server User Group (JSSUG).

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