SSIS Webinar Recording Is Up

SSIS Webinar Recording Is Up

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended the webinar from Pragmatic Works (website) that I did on Tuesday. If you missed it the topic was Dynamic SSIS: Configurations, Expressions and Variables. I got a lot of good feedback from people who attended saying it was helpful. It's always nice to know that someone got something out of a session. I know I said I was going to be posting some samples and that sort of thing along with the link to the recording but I haven't quite gotten that blog finished yet... there is a lot of content! I didn't want to keep people waiting if they were wanting to at least get their hands on the recording. I will still be posting the samples from SQL Saturday and the webinar together (the SQL Saturday session was the same one plus two other that I did, so there will be several SQL Saturday blogs to come) but in the meantime here is the link to the webinar recording. Thanks again if you were able to join, we'll do it again sometime soon! Webinar recording is available from this link right... wait for it... here. (Just click on the past webinars tab and it will be on the list there)