If you were able to make it out to SQL Saturday in Pensacola this past weekend I want to say a big thank you! We had a great time at a very successful event. I was able to help out a little and take on an extra session from Julie (Twitter | Website) who wasn't feeling well and was unable to make it down from Atlanta. One of the three sessions that I presented on was Dynamic SSIS where we talked about using SSIS configurations, expressions and variables to make everyone's life easier.
Consequently today I am presenting the same topic for our Pragmatic Works Training on the T's. If you are available today at lunchtime (11am eastern) then you should definitely hop online and check it out. It is a free event that you can sign up for here. Sign up anyway even if you can't attend so that you can download the recording later on once it is available. If you are looking for the content that I promised I would post from my sessions this past weekend then please check back soon. I should hopefully have it posted by the end of the week. I am currently unhappy with the hosting provider for my blog as I am unable to upload anything to my site. Go figure. This has been going on for the past week and a half and I will hopefully find and migrate to a new provider in the next couple of days. Hope to see you online today and I will get the rest of my content posted as soon as the to remain unnamed hosting provider which I will be removing from my life in the next 72 hours.