I recently did a presentation and discussed some techniques for monitoring the performance of your business intelligence stack. I will be doing 3 additional posts that go into a little more detail and contain screenshots of how to monitor each BI tool with some step by step instructions. Be on the lookout for those coming out over the next week. I have the first one written and scheduled to release on Wednesday of this week. In the meantime I would like to provide everyone with the slide deck for the presentation I did for Pragmatic Works Free Training on the T's as well as provide the scripts in case you would like to use those before I post some more detailed blogs. As always I appreciated everyone coming out and supporting the webinar and if you weren't able to make it be sure to check out the recording. Webinar Recording: http://pragmaticworks.com/Training/FreeTraining/ViewWebinar/WebinarID/698 Zip File with Slides, MDX Scripts and Demo Notes: Monitoring BI Performance