Posting This Week

Posting This Week

I just wanted to do a quick post to let everyone know that I am in fact going to be posting the follow up content that I promised in my webinar and at SQL Saturday. It has been a busy busy week and I just haven't had the time to get to it. Between work, SQL Saturday, some book stuff, traveling and more work I just haven't gotten around to it. I should have a little bit of free time tomorrow night to work on the posts, so please stay tuned and check back on Thursday or Friday of this week. Sorry for the delay. Here are some of the things that are upcoming:

  1. A couple of SharePoint posts involving some errors I had to work through and a script to export content from the database
  2. A summary from my two SSIS sessions at SQL Saturday and my webinar from last week (this will include the sample package that I built on Saturday during my session)
  3. The expressions puzzles so that you can work through some expressions and get hands on experience then ask questions where need be via comments
  4. A continuation of my Introduction to SSIS series that I started a while back and abandoned. Sorry about that, I got to a point where I didn't think it was getting much exposure, but lately I have had a few emails asking about where the rest of the series is located. The answer: in my head. But I will put it in blog format for sure. Any topics you want covered please leave them in the comments and I will get them on the docket!

Thanks again for reading everyone, I really appreciate it. Your feedback is always welcome. Check back later for the rest of that content! :)

Have a great night,






Some Guy

I think that about covers all the usual names that people call me.